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Interface for a lending pool contract.


event FlashLoan(address sender, address recipient, uint256 amount, uint256 paid, uint256 paidToTakerPool, uint256 paidToMakerPool)

Emitted when a flash loan is executed.

  • Parameters:

    senderaddressThe address initiating the flash loan.
    recipientaddressThe address receiving the flash loan.
    amountuint256The amount of the flash loan.
    paiduint256The amount paid back after the flash loan.
    paidToTakerPooluint256The amount paid to the taker pool after the flash loan.
    paidToMakerPooluint256The amount paid to the maker pool after the flash loan.


function flashLoan(address token, uint256 amount, address recipient, bytes data) external

Executes a flash loan.

  • Parameters:

    tokenaddressThe address of the token for the flash loan.
    amountuint256The amount of the flash loan.
    recipientaddressThe address to receive the flash loan.
    databytesAdditional data for the flash loan.


function getPendingBinShare(address market, address settlementToken, uint256 binBalance) external view returns (uint256)

Retrieves the pending share of earnings for a specific bin (subset) of funds in a market.

  • Parameters:

    marketaddressThe address of the market.
    settlementTokenaddressThe settlement token address.
    binBalanceuint256The balance of funds in the bin.
  • Return Values:

    [0]uint256The pending share of earnings for the specified bin.