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struct BinLiquidity {
uint256 total;
struct PendingLiquidity _pending;
mapping(uint256 => struct _ClaimMinting) _claimMintings;
mapping(uint256 => struct _ClaimBurning) _claimBurnings;
struct DoubleEndedQueue.Bytes32Deque _burningVersions;

Represents the liquidity information within an LiquidityBin.


struct _ClaimMinting {
uint256 tokenAmountRequested;
uint256 clbTokenAmount;

Represents the accumulated values of minting claims for a specific oracle version within BinLiquidity.


struct _ClaimBurning {
uint256 clbTokenAmountRequested;
uint256 clbTokenAmount;
uint256 tokenAmount;

Represents the accumulated values of burning claims for a specific oracle version within BinLiquidity.


A library that provides functions to manage the liquidity within an LiquidityBin.


function settlePendingLiquidity(struct BinLiquidity self, struct LpContext ctx, uint256 binValue, uint256 freeLiquidity, uint256 clbTokenId, uint256 clbTokenTotalSupply) internal

Settles the pending liquidity within the BinLiquidity.

_This function settles pending liquidity in the BinLiquidity storage by performing the following steps:

 1. Settles pending liquidity
- If the pending oracle version is not set or is greater than or equal to the current oracle version,
no action is taken.
- Otherwise, the pending liquidity and burning CLB tokens are settled by following steps:
a. If there is a pending deposit,
it calculates the minting amount of CLB tokens
based on the pending deposit, bin value, and CLB token total supply.
It updates the total liquidity and adds the pending deposit to the claim mintings.
b. If there is a pending CLB token burning,
it adds the oracle version to the burning versions list
and initializes the claim burning details.
2. Settles bunding CLB tokens
a. It trims all completed burning versions from the burning versions list.
b. For each burning version in the list,
it calculates the pending CLB token amount and the pending withdrawal amount
based on the bin value and CLB token total supply.
- If there is sufficient free liquidity, it calculates the burning amount of CLB tokens.
- If there is insufficient free liquidity, it calculates the burning amount
based on the available free liquidity and updates the pending withdrawal accordingly.
c. It updates the burning amount and pending withdrawal,
and reduces the free liquidity accordingly.
d. Finally, it updates the total liquidity by subtracting the pending withdrawal.
And the CLB tokens are minted or burned accordingly.
The pending deposit and withdrawal amounts are passed to the vault for further processing._
  • Parameters:

    selfstruct BinLiquidityThe BinLiquidity storage.
    ctxstruct LpContextThe LpContext memory.
    binValueuint256The current value of the bin.
    freeLiquidityuint256The amount of free liquidity available in the bin.
    clbTokenIduint256The ID of the CLB token.


function onAddLiquidity(struct BinLiquidity self, uint256 amount, uint256 oracleVersion) internal

Adds liquidity to the BinLiquidity.

Sets the pending liquidity with the specified amount and oracle version. Throws an error with the code Errors.TOO_SMALL_AMOUNT if the amount is too small. Throws an error with the code Errors.INVALID_ORACLE_VERSION if there is already pending liquidity with a different oracle version, it reverts with an error.

  • Parameters:

    selfstruct BinLiquidityThe BinLiquidity storage.
    amountuint256The amount of tokens to add for liquidity.
    oracleVersionuint256The oracle version associated with the liquidity.


function onClaimLiquidity(struct BinLiquidity self, uint256 amount, uint256 oracleVersion) internal returns (uint256 clbTokenAmount)

Claims liquidity from the BinLiquidity by minting CLB tokens.

Retrieves the minting details for the specified oracle version and calculates the CLB token amount to be claimed. Updates the claim minting details and returns the CLB token amount to be claimed. If there are no more tokens remaining for the claim, it is removed from the mapping.

  • Parameters:

    selfstruct BinLiquidityThe BinLiquidity storage.
    amountuint256The amount of tokens to claim.
    oracleVersionuint256The oracle version associated with the claim.
  • Return Values:

    clbTokenAmountuint256The amount of CLB tokens to be claimed.


function onRemoveLiquidity(struct BinLiquidity self, uint256 clbTokenAmount, uint256 oracleVersion) internal

Removes liquidity from the BinLiquidity by setting pending CLB token amount.

Sets the pending liquidity with the specified CLB token amount and oracle version. Throws an error with the code Errors.INVALID_ORACLE_VERSION if there is already pending liquidity with a different oracle version, it reverts with an error.

  • Parameters:

    selfstruct BinLiquidityThe BinLiquidity storage.
    clbTokenAmountuint256The amount of CLB tokens to remove liquidity.
    oracleVersionuint256The oracle version associated with the liquidity.


function onWithdrawLiquidity(struct BinLiquidity self, uint256 clbTokenAmount, uint256 oracleVersion) internal returns (uint256 amount, uint256 burnedCLBTokenAmount)

Withdraws liquidity from the BinLiquidity by burning CLB tokens and withdrawing tokens.

Retrieves the burning details for the specified oracle version and calculates the CLB token amount and token amount to burn and withdraw, respectively. Updates the claim burning details and returns the token amount to withdraw and the burned CLB token amount. If there are no more CLB tokens remaining for the claim, it is removed from the mapping.

  • Parameters:

    selfstruct BinLiquidityThe BinLiquidity storage.
    clbTokenAmountuint256The amount of CLB tokens to withdraw.
    oracleVersionuint256The oracle version associated with the claim.
  • Return Values:

    amountuint256The amount of tokens to be withdrawn for the claim.
    burnedCLBTokenAmountuint256The amount of CLB tokens to be burned for the claim.


function calculateCLBTokenMinting(uint256 amount, uint256 binValue, uint256 clbTokenTotalSupply) internal pure returns (uint256)

Calculates the amount of CLB tokens to be minted for a given token amount, bin value, and CLB token total supply.

If the CLB token total supply is zero, returns the token amount as is. Otherwise, calculates the minting amount based on the token amount, bin value, and CLB token total supply.

  • Parameters:

    amountuint256The amount of tokens to be minted.
    binValueuint256The current bin value.
    clbTokenTotalSupplyuint256The total supply of CLB tokens.
  • Return Values:

    [0]uint256The amount of CLB tokens to be minted.


function calculateCLBTokenValue(uint256 clbTokenAmount, uint256 binValue, uint256 clbTokenTotalSupply) internal pure returns (uint256)

Calculates the value of CLB tokens for a given CLB token amount, bin value, and CLB token total supply.

If the CLB token total supply is zero, returns zero. Otherwise, calculates the value based on the CLB token amount, bin value, and CLB token total supply.

  • Parameters:

    clbTokenAmountuint256The amount of CLB tokens.
    binValueuint256The current bin value.
    clbTokenTotalSupplyuint256The total supply of CLB tokens.
  • Return Values:

    [0]uint256The value of the CLB tokens.


function needSettle(struct BinLiquidity self, struct LpContext ctx) internal returns (bool)


function pendingLiquidity(struct BinLiquidity self) internal view returns (struct PendingLiquidity)

Retrieves the pending liquidity information.

  • Parameters:

    selfstruct BinLiquidityThe reference to the BinLiquidity struct.
  • Return Values:

    [0]struct PendingLiquiditypendingLiquidity An instance of PendingLiquidity representing the pending liquidity information.


function claimableLiquidity(struct BinLiquidity self, uint256 oracleVersion) internal view returns (struct ClaimableLiquidity)

Retrieves the claimable liquidity information for a specific oracle version.

  • Parameters:

    selfstruct BinLiquidityThe reference to the BinLiquidity struct.
    oracleVersionuint256The oracle version for which to retrieve the claimable liquidity.
  • Return Values:

    [0]struct ClaimableLiquidityclaimableLiquidity An instance of ClaimableLiquidity representing the claimable liquidity information.