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Provides utility functions for managing positions


function settleVersion(uint256 oracleVersion) internal pure returns (uint256)

Returns next oracle version to settle

It adds 1 to the oracleVersion and ensures that the oracleVersion is greater than 0 using a require statement. Throws an error with the code Errors.INVALID_ORACLE_VERSION if the oracleVersion is not valid.

  • Parameters:

    oracleVersionuint256Input oracle version
  • Return Values:

    [0]uint256uint256 Next oracle version to settle


function settlePrice(contract IOracleProvider provider, uint256 oracleVersion) internal view returns (uint256)

Calculates the price of the position based on the oracleVersion to settle

It calls another overloaded settlePrice function with an additional OracleVersion parameter, passing the currentVersion obtained from the provider

  • Parameters:

    providercontract IOracleProviderThe oracle provider
    oracleVersionuint256The oracle version of position
  • Return Values:

    [0]uint256uint256 The calculated price to settle


function settlePrice(contract IOracleProvider provider, uint256 oracleVersion, struct IOracleProvider.OracleVersion currentVersion) internal view returns (uint256)

Calculates the price of the position based on the oracleVersion to settle

It calculates the price by considering the settleVersion and the currentVersion obtained from the IOracleProvider. It ensures that the settle version is not greater than the current version; otherwise, it triggers an error with the message Errors.UNSETTLED_POSITION. It retrieves the corresponding OracleVersion using atVersion from the IOracleProvider, and then calls oraclePrice to obtain the price.

  • Parameters:

    providercontract IOracleProviderThe oracle provider
    oracleVersionuint256The oracle version of position
    currentVersionstruct IOracleProvider.OracleVersionThe current oracle version
  • Return Values:

    [0]uint256uint256 The calculated entry price to settle


function oraclePrice(struct IOracleProvider.OracleVersion oracleVersion) internal pure returns (uint256)

Extracts the price value from an OracleVersion struct

If the price is not positive value, it triggers an error with the message Errors.NOT_POSITIVE_PRICE.

  • Parameters:

    oracleVersionstruct IOracleProvider.OracleVersionThe memory instance of OracleVersion struct
  • Return Values:

    [0]uint256uint256 The price value of oracleVersion


function pnl(int256 qty, uint256 _entryPrice, uint256 _exitPrice) internal pure returns (int256)

Calculates the profit or loss (PnL) for a position based on the quantity, entry price, and exit price

It first calculates the price difference (delta) between the exit price and the entry price. If the quantity is negative, indicating short position, it adjusts the delta to reflect a negative change. The function then calculates the absolute PnL by multiplying the absolute value of the quantity with the absolute value of the delta, divided by the entry price. Finally, if delta is negative, indicating a loss, the absolute PnL is negated to represent a negative value.

  • Parameters:

    qtyint256The quantity of the position
    _entryPriceuint256The entry price of the position
    _exitPriceuint256The exit price of the position
  • Return Values:

    [0]int256int256 The profit or loss


function checkAddPositionQty(int256 currentQty, int256 addedQty) internal pure

Verifies the validity of a position quantity added to the bin

It ensures that the sign of the current quantity of the bin's position and the added quantity are same or zero. If the condition is not met, it triggers an error with the message Errors.INVALID_POSITION_QTY.

  • Parameters:

    currentQtyint256The current quantity of the bin's pending position
    addedQtyint256The position quantity added


function checkRemovePositionQty(int256 currentQty, int256 removeQty) internal pure

Verifies the validity of a position quantity removed from the bin

It ensures that the sign of the current quantity of the bin's position and the removed quantity are same or zero, and the absolute removed quantity is not greater than the absolute current quantity. If the condition is not met, it triggers an error with the message Errors.INVALID_POSITION_QTY.

  • Parameters:

    currentQtyint256The current quantity of the bin's position
    removeQtyint256The position quantity removed


function transactionAmount(int256 qty, uint256 price) internal pure returns (uint256)

Calculates the transaction amount based on the quantity and price

  • Parameters:

    qtyint256The quantity of the position
    priceuint256The price of the position
  • Return Values:

    [0]uint256uint256 The transaction amount