A contract that provides utility functions for interacting with Chromatic markets.
struct CLBBalance {
uint256 tokenId;
uint256 balance;
uint256 totalSupply;
uint256 binValue;
contract IChromaticRouter router
constructor(contract IChromaticRouter _router) public
function oracleVersion(contract IChromaticMarket market, uint256 version) external view returns (struct IOracleProvider.OracleVersion)
Retrieves the OracleVersion for the specified oracle version in the given Chromatic market.
Name Type Description market contract IChromaticMarket The address of the Chromatic market contract. version uint256 An oracle version. Return Values:
Name Type Description [0] struct IOracleProvider.OracleVersion oracleVersion The OracleVersion for the specified oracle version.
function lpReceipts(contract IChromaticMarket market, address owner) public view returns (struct LpReceipt[] result)
Retrieves the LP receipts for the specified owner in the given Chromatic market.
Name Type Description market contract IChromaticMarket The address of the Chromatic market contract. owner address The address of the LP token owner. Return Values:
Name Type Description result struct LpReceipt[] An array of LpReceipt containing the LP receipts for the owner.
function clbBalanceOf(contract IChromaticMarket market, address owner) external view returns (struct ChromaticLens.CLBBalance[])
Retrieves the CLB token balances for the specified owner in the given Chromatic market.
Name Type Description market contract IChromaticMarket The address of the Chromatic market contract. owner address The address of the CLB token owner. Return Values:
Name Type Description [0] struct ChromaticLens.CLBBalance[] An array of CLBBalance containing the CLB token balance information for the owner.
function pendingLiquidity(contract IChromaticMarket market, int16 tradingFeeRate) external view returns (struct PendingLiquidity)
Retrieves the pending liquidity information for a specific trading fee rate in the given Chromatic market.
Name Type Description market contract IChromaticMarket The Chromatic market from which to retrieve the pending liquidity information. tradingFeeRate int16 The trading fee rate for which to retrieve the pending liquidity. Return Values:
Name Type Description [0] struct PendingLiquidity pendingLiquidity An instance of PendingLiquidity representing the pending liquidity information.
function pendingLiquidityBatch(contract IChromaticMarket market, int16[] tradingFeeRates) external view returns (struct PendingLiquidity[])
Retrieves the pending liquidity information for a list of trading fee rates in the given Chromatic market.
Name Type Description market contract IChromaticMarket The Chromatic market from which to retrieve the pending liquidity information. tradingFeeRates int16[] The list of trading fee rates for which to retrieve the pending liquidity. Return Values:
Name Type Description [0] struct PendingLiquidity[] pendingLiquidityList An array of PendingLiquidity representing the pending liquidity information for each trading fee rate.
function claimableLiquidity(contract IChromaticMarket market, int16 tradingFeeRate, uint256 _oracleVersion) external view returns (struct ClaimableLiquidity)
Retrieves the claimable liquidity information for a specific trading fee rate and oracle version from the given Chromatic Market.
Name Type Description market contract IChromaticMarket The Chromatic Market from which to retrieve the claimable liquidity information. tradingFeeRate int16 The trading fee rate for which to retrieve the claimable liquidity. _oracleVersion uint256 The oracle version for which to retrieve the claimable liquidity. Return Values:
Name Type Description [0] struct ClaimableLiquidity claimableLiquidity An instance of ClaimableLiquidity representing the claimable liquidity information.
function claimableLiquidityBatch(contract IChromaticMarket market, int16[] tradingFeeRates, uint256 _oracleVersion) external view returns (struct ClaimableLiquidity[])
Retrieves the claimable liquidity information for a list of trading fee rates and a specific oracle version from the given Chromatic Market.
Name Type Description market contract IChromaticMarket The Chromatic Market from which to retrieve the claimable liquidity information. tradingFeeRates int16[] The list of trading fee rates for which to retrieve the claimable liquidity. _oracleVersion uint256 The oracle version for which to retrieve the claimable liquidity. Return Values:
Name Type Description [0] struct ClaimableLiquidity[] claimableLiquidityList An array of ClaimableLiquidity representing the claimable liquidity information for each trading fee rate and the oracle version.
function liquidityBinStatuses(contract IChromaticMarket market) external view returns (struct LiquidityBinStatus[])
Retrieves the liquidity bin statuses for the specified Chromatic Market.
Name Type Description market contract IChromaticMarket The Chromatic Market contract for which liquidity bin statuses are retrieved. Return Values:
Name Type Description [0] struct LiquidityBinStatus[] statuses An array of LiquidityBinStatus representing the liquidity bin statuses.