Interface for the ChromaticAccount contract, which manages user accounts and positions.
event OpenPosition(address marketAddress, uint256 positionId, uint256 openVersion, int256 qty, uint256 openTimestamp, uint256 takerMargin, uint256 makerMargin, uint256 tradingFee)
Emitted when a position is opened.
Name Type Description marketAddress address The address of the market. positionId uint256 The position identifier openVersion uint256 The version of the oracle when the position was opened qty int256 The quantity of the position openTimestamp uint256 The timestamp when the position was opened takerMargin uint256 The amount of collateral that a trader must provide makerMargin uint256 The margin amount provided by the maker. tradingFee uint256 The trading fee associated with the position.
event ClosePosition(address marketAddress, uint256 positionId, uint256 closeVersion, uint256 closeTimestamp)
Emitted when a position is closed.
Name Type Description marketAddress address The address of the market. positionId uint256 The position identifier closeVersion uint256 The version of the oracle when the position was closed closeTimestamp uint256 The timestamp when the position was closed
event ClaimPosition(address marketAddress, uint256 positionId, uint256 entryPrice, uint256 exitPrice, int256 realizedPnl, uint256 interest, bytes4 cause)
Emitted when a position is claimed.
Name Type Description marketAddress address The address of the market. positionId uint256 The position identifier entryPrice uint256 The entry price of the position exitPrice uint256 The exit price of the position realizedPnl int256 The profit or loss of the claimed position. interest uint256 The interest paid for the claimed position. cause bytes4 The description of being claimed.
function balance(address token) external view returns (uint256)
Returns the balance of the specified token for the account.
Name Type Description token address The address of the token. Return Values:
Name Type Description [0] uint256 The balance of the token.
function withdraw(address token, uint256 amount) external
Withdraws the specified amount of tokens from the account.
Name Type Description token address The address of the token to withdraw. amount uint256 The amount of tokens to withdraw.
function hasPositionId(address marketAddress, uint256 positionId) external view returns (bool)
Checks if the specified market has the specified position ID.
Name Type Description marketAddress address The address of the market. positionId uint256 The ID of the position. Return Values:
Name Type Description [0] bool A boolean indicating whether the market has the position ID.
function getPositionIds(address marketAddress) external view returns (uint256[])
Retrieves an array of position IDs owned by this account for the specified market.
Name Type Description marketAddress address The address of the market. Return Values:
Name Type Description [0] uint256[] An array of position IDs.
function openPosition(address marketAddress, int256 qty, uint256 takerMargin, uint256 makerMargin, uint256 maxAllowableTradingFee) external returns (struct OpenPositionInfo)
Opens a new position in the specified market.
Name Type Description marketAddress address The address of the market. qty int256 The quantity of the position. takerMargin uint256 The margin required for the taker. makerMargin uint256 The margin required for the maker. maxAllowableTradingFee uint256 The maximum allowable trading fee. Return Values:
Name Type Description [0] struct OpenPositionInfo openPositionInfo The opened position information.
function closePosition(address marketAddress, uint256 positionId) external
Closes the specified position in the specified market.
Name Type Description marketAddress address The address of the market. positionId uint256 The ID of the position to close.
function claimPosition(address marketAddress, uint256 positionId) external
Claims the specified position in the specified market.
Name Type Description marketAddress address The address of the market. positionId uint256 The ID of the position to claim.