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Chromatic Protocol SDK for Ethers-v5

The Chromatic Protocol SDK is a JavaScript library that provides a convenient way to interact with the Chromatic Protocol on the Arbitrum Ethereum chain. This readme file will guide you through the setup procedure for using the SDK.

If you want to learn more about the overview of the Chromatic Protocol, please refer to our GitBook. It provides detailed information about the protocol and its features.

For the full documentation of the Chromatic Protocol SDK, you can refer to the SDK development documentation. It will provide comprehensive information about the SDK, its functionalities, and usage examples.


Before you can start using the Chromatic Protocol SDK, make sure you have the following:

  • Node.js (v18 or higher)
  • npm (Node Package Manager)
  • An Arbitrum Ethereum provider or a local Arbitrum Ethereum node
  • An Ethereum wallet or signer (such as MetaMask) with a funded account on the Arbitrum chain


To install the Chromatic Protocol SDK, run the following command in your project directory:

npm install @chromatic-protocol/sdk-ethers-v5


yarn add @chromatic-protocol/sdk-ethers-v5

Setting up the Client

To interact with the Chromatic Protocol, you need to create a Client instance. The Client class acts as the entry point for accessing various functionalities provided by the SDK. It requires a signer or provider object.

Here's an example of setting up the Client:

import { Signer } from 'ethers';
import { Client } from "@chromatic-protocol/sdk-ethers-v5"

const chain = "arbitrum"; // Specify "arbitrum" as the chain name for the Arbitrum chain
const signer = ...; // Replace with your Ethereum signer or wallet instance
const client = new Client(chain, signer);

Replace "arbitrum" with the name of the Arbitrum chain you want to connect to.

Make sure to replace ... with your actual Ethereum signer or wallet instance.