Contract for adding and claiming liquidity in a market.
function addLiquidity(address recipient, int16 tradingFeeRate, bytes data) external returns (struct LpReceipt receipt)
Adds liquidity to the market.
Name Type Description recipient address The address to receive the liquidity tokens. tradingFeeRate int16 The trading fee rate for the liquidity. data bytes Additional data for the liquidity callback. Return Values:
Name Type Description receipt struct LpReceipt The liquidity receipt.
function addLiquidityBatch(address recipient, int16[] tradingFeeRates, uint256[] amounts, bytes data) external returns (struct LpReceipt[] receipts)
Adds liquidity to multiple liquidity bins of the market in a batch.
Throws an InvalidTransferredTokenAmount
error if the transferred amount does not match the sum of amounts param.
Name Type Description recipient address The address of the recipient for each liquidity bin. tradingFeeRates int16[] An array of fee rates for each liquidity bin. amounts uint256[] An array of amounts to add as liquidity for each bin. data bytes Additional data for the liquidity callback. Return Values:
Name Type Description receipts struct LpReceipt[] An array of LP receipts.
function claimLiquidity(uint256 receiptId, bytes data) external
Throws a NotExistLpReceipt
error if the liquidity receipt does not exist.
Throws an InvalidLpReceiptAction
error if the action of liquidity receipt is not ADD_LIQUIDITY
Throws a NotClaimableLpReceipt
error if the liquidity receipt is not claimable in the current oracle version.
Name Type Description receiptId uint256 The ID of the liquidity receipt. data bytes Additional data for the liquidity callback.
function claimLiquidityBatch(uint256[] receiptIds, bytes data) external
Throws a NotExistLpReceipt
error if the liquidity receipt does not exist.
Throws an InvalidLpReceiptAction
error if the action of liquidity receipt is not ADD_LIQUIDITY
Throws a NotClaimableLpReceipt
error if the liquidity receipt is not claimable in the current oracle version.
Name Type Description receiptIds uint256[] The array of the liquidity receipt IDs. data bytes Additional data for the liquidity callback.
function distributeEarningToBins(uint256 earning, uint256 marketBalance) external
Distributes earning to the liquidity bins.
Name Type Description earning uint256 The amount of earning to distribute. marketBalance uint256 The balance of the market.
function _requireAddLiquidityEnabled(struct MarketStorage ms) internal view virtual
Throws if add liquidity is disabled.