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A contract that manages trading positions.






function openPosition(int256 qty, uint256 takerMargin, uint256 makerMargin, uint256 maxAllowableTradingFee, bytes data) external returns (struct OpenPositionInfo positionInfo)

_Throws a TooSmallTakerMargin error if the takerMargin is smaller than the minimum required margin for the settlement token. Throws an ExceedMaxAllowableLeverage if the leverage exceeds the maximum allowable leverage. Throws a NotAllowableMakerMargin if the maker margin is not within the allowable range based on the absolute quantity and min/max take-profit basis points (BPS). Throws an ExceedMaxAllowableTradingFee if the total trading fee (including protocol fee) exceeds the maximum allowable trading fee (maxAllowableTradingFee). Throws a NotEnoughMarginTransferred if the margin settlement token balance did not increase by the required margin amount after the callback.


  • The takerMargin must be greater than or equal to the minimum required margin for the settlement token.

  • The position parameters must pass the validity check, including leverage limits and allowable margin ranges.

  • The position is assigned a new ID and stored in the position storage.

  • A keeper task for potential liquidation is created by the liquidator.

  • An OpenPosition event is emitted with the owner's address and the newly opened position details._

  • Parameters:

    qtyint256The quantity of the position.
    takerMarginuint256The margin amount provided by the taker.
    makerMarginuint256The margin amount provided by the maker.
    maxAllowableTradingFeeuint256The maximum allowable trading fee for the position.
    databytesAdditional data for the position callback.
  • Return Values:

    positionInfostruct OpenPositionInfoThe opened position.


function _newPosition(struct LpContext ctx, int256 qty, uint256 takerMargin, uint16 protocolFeeRate, address liquidator) internal returns (struct Position)


function _requireOpenPositionEnabled(struct MarketStorage ms) internal view virtual

Throws if open position is disabled.