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A contract that manages trading positions.


function closePosition(uint256 positionId) external returns (struct ClosePositionInfo closed)

This function allows the owner of the position to close it. The position must exist, be owned by the caller, and not have already been closed. Upon successful closure, the position is settled, and a ClosePosition event is emitted. If the position is closed in a different oracle version than the open version, a claim position task is created by the liquidator. Otherwise, the position is immediately claimed, and a ClaimPosition event is emitted. Throws a NotExistPosition error if the specified position does not exist. Throws a NotPermitted error if the caller is not the owner of the position. Throws an AlreadyClosedPosition error if the position has already been closed. Throws a ClaimPositionCallbackError error if an error occurred during the claim position callback.

  • Parameters:

    positionIduint256The ID of the position to close.
  • Return Values:

    closedstruct ClosePositionInfoThe closed position.


function claimPosition(uint256 positionId, address recipient, bytes data) external

Claims the position by transferring the available funds to the recipient. The caller must be the owner of the position. The position must be eligible for claim in the current oracle version. The claimed amount is determined based on the position's profit and loss (pnl). Throws a NotExistPosition error if the requested position does not exist. Throws a NotPermitted error if the caller is not permitted to perform the action as they are not the owner of the position. Throws a NotClaimablePosition error if the position cannot be claimed as it is not eligible for claim in the current oracle version. Throws a ClaimPositionCallbackError error if an error occurred during the claim position callback.

  • Parameters:

    positionIduint256The ID of the position to claim.
    recipientaddressThe address of the recipient of the claimed position.
    databytesAdditional data for the claim callback.


function _requireClosePositionEnabled(struct MarketStorage ms) internal view virtual

Throws if close position is disabled.